Some of our projects of boats refits

TEAK DECK Construction and installation of new teak deck on S/Y ONYX, 30.21m sailing yacht built by Nautor’s Swan in 2005.

CAP RAIL Construction and installation of the teak cap rail on board of S/Y TWIZZLE, a 57.5 meter long sailing yacht built in 2010 by the Dutch shipyard Royal Huisman.

TEAK DECK Construction and installation of new teak deck on sailing yacht Twizzle (57.5m), built in 2010 by Royal Huisman.

Construction and installation of new teak deck on the S/Y Nazca – 25m yacht built by Nautor’s Swan.

Construction and installation of teak deck on the tender of S/Y Nirvana Formentera.

Construction and installation of teak deck on the bathing platform of S/Y Nirvana Formentera – 53m yacht built by Vitters.

Construction and installation of the new teak deck on the deck house on the Dirdam – 28.5m sailing yacht built by the Custom shipyard.

Construction and installation of the new teak deck with the grey joints on the Rasmus.

Construction and installation of the new teak deck on the Beagle Star V – 34.7m sailing yacht built by Pendennis shipyard.

Construction and installation of the new teak deck on the catamaran Black Swan – 28m yacht built by Blubay Yachts.